Explore When it Pours, Best Monsoon Travel Tips

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Category: Monsoon Travel

Monsoon means soft drizzle, cold breeze, a cup of coffee and a long ride to an unknown place. If you, like me, are fed up of this eternal summer heat and if the thought of dark gloomy skies opening up and showering down on us makes your soul happy, a monsoon getaway might be perfect for you. Be it dreamy mountains, or beautiful tropical beaches or even any unknown cities, nothing can bring things to life like rain. But you should also be prepared for everything while planning for a monsoon travel trip. Let’s break down few things that you should keep in mind.

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Rain Lover, aye or nay?

A rain lover will always be a rain lover no matter what. If rain makes you happy, that’s it. You should just pack your bags and leave. Off course you can also be a lazy soul like me sometimes and sit back and enjoy the rains from home with hot pakoda’s and coffee. But travelling in the rains will surely take your breathe away. So if you are a rain lover, then monsoon travelling should be your cup of tea, or coffee maybe!

Prioritize Safety

Visiting the hills in the rains can be a risky affair, with slippery roads and the possibility of landslides. So if you are planning for a monsoon trip then prepare, plan and go accordingly. But if you are planning a short monsoon travel trip to the beach, you should remember that swimming in the sea is a bit dangerous during the monsoons. Even people are not allowed to visit certain beaches during the rainy season, so if you are planning for a beach vacation, learn about the climate condition before planning your trip.

Monsoon and Unknown Route, big no no

Road trips are adventurous, I know. But getting stuck in a sudden torrential rain without any help will be a disastrous thing for you and your friends or family. Monsoon is beautiful no doubt, but disaster isn’t. So, make sure about the destined route of the place you will be visiting and always make sure to pull over when the going gets rough.

Monsoon Travel and Occasional Delays

Plane should not be your first choice during monsoons if you are a scaredy soul because  turbulence is a common factor of such weather and even the most experienced flyer will curse himself for choosing to fly. The worst that happens in such weather is that flights getting canceled and thus vacation gone to waste! So prepare beforehand and keep enough days at hand so that even for any such delays for flight you can wait for sometime to board while keeping your fingers crossed for turbulence!

Less is More: Smart Backpacking

You don’t need many things for a trip. I prefer to bring along few tees with 2 to 3 jeggings for a comfort travelling. While travelling during the rains, the most important things that you should carry is an umbrella, raincoat, waterproof jackets and off course light clothes that will be easy to carry and also easy to dry. You can also carry mosquito repellents, and some plastic packets or few packets of silica gel for electronics, to avoid moisture getting into them. Footwear should be rain appropriate and not something fancy, and always ensure to carry everything in a waterproof bag.

If you keep these few important things in mind, you can have a really amazing monsoon travel experience. So what are you waiting for? Go pack your bags now and visit your favorite sea or mountain destination!



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