Checklist for Booking Hotels & Travel in Post COVID 19 Crisis

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Category: budget hotel Digha digha hotels

These are extremely challenging times for all. The outbreak of the COVID19 Corona Virus Pandemic has caused mayhem all across the world. With huge numbers still getting every day all across the globe, it has left even the most advanced nations of the world scrambling. Social Distancing and Lockdowns have become the norm. This has meant a near standstill position for most sectors. Out of the many, the one that has been most adversely affected is undoubtedly the hotel and tourism industry. With cancellations happening all across the board the very questions of the industry are now at stake. What is even worse with the Lockdown still likely to be extended and the effects of the Pandemic still unknown at present, the future, unfortunately, seems grim.

The way we travel might change Post COVID 19

The only silver lining amidst all the chaos is that you can now avail the most competitive rates. However, once normalcy returns what you can be sure of is the fact that the way we stay at hotels and the way we travel too in all likelihood undergo some revolutionary changes at least in the short term. For example, in the case of travel by trains, we could have only the 2- Tier Compartments. Apart from this, there may be other major changes too. So as a traveler how you book your hotels and travel too might change. Let us take a look at some major criteria that you could look for:


With everything now still very uncertain, no matter where you travel to and for the bookings, you need to look at the flexibility that the travel company or the hotel you are to book offers. For example now with everything so uncertain there could be situations wherein you could experience last-minute cancellations, you must look at the terms that are applicable regarding refunds. You should choose very flexible ones. Thus there may be new strategies that would be reframed to meet the requirements of the current crisis.

Ambient Wellness

Now even once the lockdown is over cleanliness and hygiene must be a top priority for you while booking the hotels. You need hotels that have been sanitized properly so that there are no risks regarding health. This is the first and foremost requirement that you need to look for.

Social Distancing would be the Norm

Now that in the current COVID 19 crisis social distancing has very much become the norm. It is in line with this that in the recent future you can expect the hotels to be less crowded.


In the age of Artificial Intelligence, you can expect the same too to play a major role too. So while you travel too you could expect that robotics would be used at the airports and so on.

Creation of In-Room Dining Space

With social distancing being the normal you could expect in-room dining too. So instead of visiting the dining hall for the meals, you could have the same delivered at your hotel room too. You could find the same. This is what can also help you to stay safe at the hotel.

To conclude we hope that we have been able to provide you with a basic idea about travel during the Post Pandemic period. In case you are looking to book the best budget hotel in Digha that is also very clean and hygienic and also offers excellent hospitality services then Hotel Santiniketan Digha is one for sure.


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